In addition to the mutual exchange between the member companies, the Executive Board regularly distributes information collected during local and European meetings of regulatory authorities and institutions. The Association's efforts to be represented in the relevant committees of legislative bodies have been crowned with success in recent years.
Many associations, institutions as well as the press consider the BVMA as the body which best represents the interests of the German CROs. All member companies are represented in these bodies via the Executive Board of the BVMA and the level of information they have at their disposal can certainly be regarded as exceptionally high.
Prerequisites for becoming a member requires the successful participation in the quality assurance programme of the BVMA. Such qualifications provide member companies with additional arguments for a positive positioning in the marketplace and clearly sets them apart from their competitors.
The programme and the anonymised results of the periodically held re- audits of all member companies are regularly published nationally and internationally and are therefore ideally suited as “add-on” to the members' own PR activities.
The employees of all member companies are being offered special rates for participating in internal training programmes provided by the Association and the well established annual conference. The excellent quality of these events and the coverage of current topics ensure that the level of continued training provided is very high. For further information, see